A Vision and Strategy to Support Children and Families in a Changing Climate

“The planetary crisis is not an issue, but an era….Every other problem we’re struggling with is subsumed under this overarching reality. There is nowhere to stand outside of it.”

Climate writer, Alex Steffen

Key Messages

  1. Young children face enormous threats from climate change, yet there is meager investment in the adaptive capacity of child- and family-serving systems.

  2. Building that adaptive capacity has positive spillover effects that build the climate resilience and flourishing of entire communities and societies.

  3. We are seeking partners and funders to help us meet these urgent needs through public policy and philanthropic ecosystem building, research, and thought leadership on multilateral climate finance.

Capita–a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization–is developing a major new strategy focused on finding global solutions to ensure that young children (0-8 years) and their families can flourish in the era of climate change.

This effort is intended as a 10-year multistakeholder research and development effort. It will accelerate innovations in human flourishing for the climate era and transform the way governments and systems, particularly child- and family-serving systems, respond to the climate era.

Through this effort we aim to help unlock hundreds of millions–if not billions–of dollars in public and private climate financing that currently excludes children and their families. Doing so will significantly improve the health, education, and well-being of young children in both the short and long term.

Moreover, building the adaptive capacity of child- and family-serving systems builds resilience for generations to come. Strengthening our communities to be healthy, safe, and vibrant places for children will prepare our future society for our uncertain climate future.

This document outlines Capita’s core strategies, geography and phases, and goals and progress to date, as well as the governance and advisors that will help shape this work. We are seeking partners and funders for this work, and hope readers are both compelled by the urgent need and ready to join our efforts.

Thank you for your attention, and please be in touch with Ankita at ankita@capita.org, Elliot at elliot@capita.org or Joe at joe@capita.org.